Live the Life
of your dreams
Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer.
सृष्टि से पहले सत नहीं था,
असत भी नहीं, अंतरिक्ष भी नहीं
नासदासीन्नो सदासीत्तदानीं नासीद्रजो नो व्योमा परो यत् || किमावरीवः कुह कस्य शर्मन्नम्भः किमासीद्गहनं गभीरम् ||
Even the KING of the jungle
Must hunt everyday.
उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः । न हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य प्रविशन्ति मुखे मृगाः ॥

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Soulmate Programme
Turn hopeless into a Happy relationship.
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Wealth Programme
If not You, then who?
If not Now, then when?
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Happiness Programme
Bring more joy and peace into your life.
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The Vedic Way to Success programme
Unlock Your Path
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Shubh Muhurta
Why is it that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer? They are at the right place at the right time. Muhurta is not just for marriage. Businessmen and politicians use it for their most important work events. Apply for that college degree at the most favourable time. Propose to her when the stars are in your favour, don’t ask for that raise on the wrong day!)

Just Like that
Sometimes I like to tell people about their eating habits or what they had for lunch. It impresses them, sometimes freaks them out. It’s quite a bunch of useless information if you ask me. Then why do I do it? To grab attention, why else? Who is going to listen to my global gyan about mantra jaap otherwise? Just like a mother sugarcoats a child’s medicine! Remember when you were small and your mother would crush half a pill and make you eat it with a spoonful of sugar? In the words of Julie Andrews, ‘A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down!’

Take charge of your life
Musaddilal sold his donkey and got a bundle of notes. He started counting, then stopped halfway. When he was asked why he stopped, he replied: It was ok till halfway, it will be ok going forward also. Some of us presume that the way we have been living, is the only way to live. That is the only option we have.

Wealth and Happiness
A gentleman contacted me last week. He was going through a cash crunch. Today I introduced him to three people who wanted to give him orders. He said, ‘it’s ok, money is not an issue.’ ‘Money is not an issue?’. He had unpaid bills, loans, asked for a wealth remedy, yet when the opportunity presented itself, he hesitated. You know why? There is something that needs to shift inside of us. None of the super successful people got there by accident.
Today's Panchang
Sun, 30 March 2025 | Delhi, India
6:13:54 -
18:38:32 -
19:49:25 -
- Amanta: Chaitra
- Purnimanta: Chaitra
- Vikram: 2078 - Kaalyukt
- Shaka: 1943 - Vishwavasu
- Shukla Dwitiya
- till
- 9:12:3 Tomorrow
- Vaidhriti till
- 13:46:11 Tomorrow
- Ashwini till
- 13:46:22 Tomorrow
About Astrology
उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः ।
न हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य प्रविशन्ति मुखे मृगाः ॥
Even the KING of the jungle must hunt everyday for food.
If you want something, ACT on it!
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